



  1. 大学英语四级段落翻译
  2. 英语电影中励志的句子



〖Two〗、中国结***the Chineseknot***最初是由手工艺人发明的。经过数百年不断的改造,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。在古代,人们用它来记录事件,但现在主要用于装饰的目的。“结”在中文里意味着爱情,婚姻和团聚。中国结常常作为礼物交换或用作饰品祈求好运和避邪。这种形式的手工艺***handcraft***代代相传,现在已经在中国和世界各地越来越受欢迎。

〖Three〗、 The Chinese knot is originallyinvented by the handicraft*** an. After several hundredyears’innovation, it has evolved into an elegant and colorful art andcraft. In ancient times, itwas used for recording events, while now it i*** ainly a decorative handicraft art. In Chinese,"Knot" means love,marriage and reunion. The Chinese knot is often used as a gift to expressgoodwishes or a tali*** an to ward off evil spirits. The handcraft has passed on forgenerationsand bee more and more popular in China and the world.

〖Four〗、中国经济的高速发展,带来了消费文化的曰益流行,同时也催生了一批具有高学历,充分享受资本主义消费模式的年轻人,他们习惯于当月工资当月花。因而被称为“月光族”***the moonlight group***。“月光族”一词出现于20世纪90年代后期,是用来讽刺那些出身富裕、接受高等教育、充分享受快餐文化***fast foodculture***的年轻人。

〖Five〗、 China’s economy is developing very quickly, and has brought with it a culture of consumption more prevalent with each passing day. At the same time, it has brought into being an educated group of young people who enjoy capitalist consumption way. They’re used to spending money as soon as they get it every month, and so are called t6the moon?light group”. This word came into being during the 1990s, to make fun of those bom into wealth,who have received a high education, and who ap?preciate fast food culture.

〖Six〗、近来,全球变暖是一个热门话题,但是有关全球变暖的各项证据似乎还有些不同的声音。人们现在已经知道,地球的发展经历了很多周期***cycle***,尽管在历史上还未出现过像今天这样的时代,即高度工业化***industrialization***产生如此多的污染。全球变暖主要是由于二氧化碳气体***carbon dioxide***的增多。

〖Seven〗、 Global warming is the hot topic around the world at this time but, there is also dissention about the evidence being presented to support the argument. The earth is known to go through cycles; although the past has never produced an age of so much industrialization causing the pollution currently being experienced. A major source of the problem is the increase in carbon dioxide levels.


〖Nine〗、 A new national law introduced this week requires the offspring of parents older than 60 to visit their parents“frequently” and make sure their financial and spiritual needs are met. On Tuesday, Xinhua reported a news that a 77-year-old woman from Jiangsu city of Wuxi sued her daughter for neglecting her. In the first case after the new law came into effect, the local court ruled that her daughter must visit her at least twice a month and provide financial support. But the law’s introduction has proved controversial. Some say it puts too much pressure on those who move away from home for work, study or other opportunities.

〖Ten〗、茶马古道***Tea-horse Ancient Road***两边,生活着20多个少数民族。不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理,丽江古城,香格里拉***Shangrila***,雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫***PotalaPalace***。古道的两旁有庙宇、岩石壁画、骚站***post house***,古桥和木板路,还有少数民族舞蹈和民族服装。时至今天,虽然这条古道的踪迹都消失了,但它的文化和历史价值仍然存在。

1〖One〗、 Along the Tea-horse Ancient Road lived more than 20 minori?ties. Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites,including Dali old city, Lijiang old city, Shangrila, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, Potala Palace. The road features temples, rock paintings, post houses, ancient bridges and plank roads. It is also home to many national minorities and their dances and folk customs. Today, although the traces of the ancient road are fading away, its cultural and historic values remain.



If work has no goals, it is not work, but empty behavior.


At the end of gathering and parting, you can walk back.


Love doesn't need many times, just love. True love needs time to operate, heart to understand and mind to tolerate.


Work hard! Work can save you. Hard work will make you forget the pain.


Fear makes you prisoner, hope makes you free again.


When you ask for something, the whole universe will help you get it.


You can do whatever you want.


Yesterday has become history, tomorrow is unknown, and today is a gift from heaven, that's why we call it the present!


What you are doing now is the key to changing the status quo.


When you are young, you will want to fall in love many times, but as you grow older, you finally realize that if you love someone, even if you spend your whole life, it will not be enough. Slowly to understand this person, understand this person, until fall in love with, it is necessary to have a very broad mind.


If you don't go out for a walk, you think this is the world.


People follow the brave, not the high.


Love makes people mature or degenerate.


One can only go all out and wait for fate to reveal the answer.


Dreams may come true, so life is interesting.


The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.


It's not our ability that determines who we are, but our choice.


I like the night. If there is no darkness, we will never see the stars.


Don't be told what to do. If you have a dream, you have to protect it. If you can't do anything from others, you can't do it. If you want anything, you have to fight for it.


We all live in our own past. People will spend a minute to know someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. In the end, they will spend a lifetime to forget someone.


If there is any miracle in the world, it must be to understand and share with others.


Don't hate your enemy, it will affect your judgment.


Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.


You know, some birds are not meant to be caged. Every feather of them is shining with freedom.


If work has no goals, it is not work, but meaningless action.


You can't wait for others to come to you in the corner of the forest. Sometimes you have to take the initiative to find others.


Don't let others tell you that you can't succeed, not even me.


To be a princess, you have to believe that you are a princess. It comes from the fact that you should behave like the princess you imagined. From a high perspective, calm, laugh at life.


Some people can hear their inner voice clearly and act on it. These people became either lunatics or legends.


A person always has to walk on a strange road, watch strange scenery, listen to strange songs, and then in an inadvertent moment, you will find that the things that were originally tried to forget are really so forgotten.


The most important characteristics of Ninja are speed, invisibility and accuracy!


When you know what to say, everything is easy.


If life deceives you, you should also cheat to live.


In order to remember your smile, I desperately press the shutter in my heart.


When darkness and light meet, we all need some courage.


You don't have to dream every day, as long as you don't wake up with nightmares every day.


If you leave me, don't comfort me. You need to know that every time you sew, you will suffer from puncture pain.


No matter what you do, don't give up!


Never give up, there is always hope to wait in front.


When you choose to be someone else, you will lose yourself.


It's no use going back to yesterday, because today I'm different from the past.


How lucky I am to have you in my life. When I recall the past, your face will appear in front of me. You will always be there waiting for me.


The longest road has an end, and the darkest night welcomes the morning.
